who we are
Most of us were loyal customers of the original Nina! We are co-workers and friends, all very fortunate that we have gotten to take a place we have always loved and make it our own.
Hilary learned how to knit almost accidentally. Immediately obsessed, she learned crocheting as well and tried every new yarn she could get her hands on, before starting to work at Nina in 2009. Hilary realized she was in her element helping other knitters/crocheters with their yarn choices and teaching them new skills. This year, she finally committed to learning how to sew. She makes as much time for all the crafting as possible while also running the shop, and despite her busy schedule, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
After years of teaching for a living and crafting for fun, Jennifer decided to join us and turn her hobbies into something more. She has years of knitting and sewing experience, and is very skilled with embroidery, cross stitch, and other forms of needlework. You'll see here here mostly during the week, always with a smile on her face!
assistant manager
Chel joined our team fresh out of college, but she is no novice at stitching. This seasoned knitter also has amazing crochet skills, including experience in Tunisian Crochet. This self-proclaimed “nerd” may seem quiet at first, but don’t let her fool you!
assistant manager